发布日期:2024-08-14 21:09:25


美东时间2024年8月18日,由哥伦比亚大学教育学院Milbank Chapel举办的“艺术与教育学术研讨会”暨“心象圣境”余涵宇主任书画作品展圆满成功!

     中国艺术节基金会本原专项管委会主任余涵宇,作为旅美北京艺术家,作为全球的第一位获得“全球至尊星钻奖”的画家,并开创了“积墨重彩金碧山水画”新流派,在 中国艺术节基金会“艺术为人民”的宗旨下,在他的“艺术生活化,生活艺术化”核心思想倡导下,让世界感受东方艺术与自然、教育和哲学相结合的无穷魅力和智慧,,促进对外文化交流与合作,致力于中国文化艺术事业的传承、发展与繁荣,为社会发展与进步奉献智慧与力量的宗旨。

• 著名山水画家、书法家,中国国家一级美术师
• 哥伦比亚大学教育学院中国教育研究中心艺术教育高级研究员
• 美国纽约国际仙道联合会主席
• 纽约当代艺术集团艺术总监

Yu Hanyu
• Landscape painter, Calligrapher, National First-level Artist
• Art Education Senior Researcher, Center on Chinese Education, Teachers College, Columbia University
• The Chairman of International Immortal Daoist Federation in New York
• Art director of New York Contemporary Art Group

Ladies and Gentlemen, good afternoon! I am very pleased to be here at the beautiful, historic, and prestigious Teachers College, Columbia University, to meet with all of you and to have the honor of hosting my personal art exhibition and symposium.

记得六年前的2018年,在纽约联合国总部大楼也做了一场我的个书画艺术展,当时正值圣诞节,在那次展览上,我曾郑重宣布:“积墨、重彩、金碧”山水画新风格诞生!如今,六年过去了, 我又经过不断地探索,完善,将“积墨重彩金碧”山水画艺术提升到更高的境界。这幅巨幅创作作品《日旭东方》就是典型代表。
I remember six years ago, in 2018, I held a solo art show at the United Nations Headquarters in New York. It was during the Christmas season, and at that exhibition, I solemnly announced the birth of my new style in landscape painting: "Layered Ink, Rich-Color, and Gold-Embellished." Now, six years have passed, and through continuous exploration and refinement, I have elevated the art of "Layered Ink, Rich-Color, and Gold-Embellished" landscape painting to a higher level. The large-scale work "Sunrise in the East" is a prime example of this.

                               积墨水墨                                                                                          积墨彩墨                                                 积墨金碧重彩


The painting "Sunrise in the East," which is in the "Layered Ink, Rich-Color, and Gold-Embellished" style, took six years to complete, from its initial conception in 2018 to its finalization today. Over these six years, the process involved numerous layers of ink, colors, gold, and other pigments, from the ink draft to the color draft, and finally to the rich gold-embellished version. Today, I would like to briefly discuss this large-scale creation.


"Sunrise in the East" is a painting that measures 16 meters in length and 3 meters in height, painstakingly created over six years. The work is based on the traditional Chinese technique of gold-embellished rich color painting, using 3,600 grams of pure gold powder and 4,000 grams of high-quality cinnabar.

魏晋以前,中国绘画以重彩人物为主,如克孜尔壁画和敦煌壁画,隋唐以后才出现独立的山水画。在山水画中,有重彩与水墨之分; 重彩画中有青绿重彩和金碧重彩两种形式。金碧重彩以其金光灿烂、大气恢弘、富贵吉祥为特点,再加上其大量勾填的纯金粉,成为唐宋以后的历代帝王所专赏。用以专门收藏、欣赏、展示于皇宫。民间只能收藏和欣赏没有勾填金色的青绿重彩画作。
This exhibition introduces the audience to a significant art form in the history of Chinese art: the Rich-color Painting style. Before the Wei and Jin Dynasties, Chinese painting predominantly featured rich-color figures, such as the Kizil murals and the Dunhuang murals. It was only after the Sui and Tang Dynasties that independent landscape painting emerged. In landscape painting, there are distinctions between Rich-Color Painting and Ink Painting style. The Rich-Color Painting includes two forms: Blue-Green Rich Color and Gold-Blue Rich Color Painting styles. The Gold-Blue Rich Color Painting style is characterized by its brilliant golden light, grandeur, and auspiciousness, with a large amount of pure gold powder used in its creation. It was exclusively appreciated by emperors after the Tang and Song Dynasties, collected, appreciated, and displayed in the royal palaces. The ordinary people could only collect and appreciate the Blue-Green Rich Color Paintings without gold embellishments.




展览中的《日旭东方》就是属于金碧重彩画的类型。该件作品在地理上表现从中国西北向东南沿着一条轴线展开的大山大河,从左到右依次为: 昆仑雪山和冰川、秦岭雪山、黄河、泰山,最后进入大海。
Yu Hanyu's exhibition piece "Sunrise in the East" belongs to the Gold-Blue Rich Color Painting style. This work geographically depicts the grand mountains and rivers extending from northwest to southeast China along an axis, from left to right: Kunlun Snow Mountain and glaciers, Qinling Snow Mountain, the Yellow River, Mount Tai, and finally into the sea.

"Sunrise in the East" is rooted in tradition yet distinct from it. The coloring method uses traditional gold-blue heavy-color techniques and also incorporates and utilizes the color relationships of Western oil painting. The brush and ink structure of the entire painting is derived from the unique geographical features of snow mountains and glaciers in the Northwestern landscape of China, something not seen in traditional Chinese paintings, making it a valuable new research theme.

"Sunrise in the East" is a landscape painting that takes the unique structure of snow-capped mountains and glaciers as its subject. Its style is modern, unique, and unparalleled. Combined with the artistic qualities of gold-embellished landscape painting, such as its splendid, magnificent, and auspicious atmosphere, "Sunrise in the East" stands out as a quintessential contemporary work of art in our era.

Let me once again thank the Center on Chinese Education at Teacher College Columbia University, and the Global Human Settlements Foundation. 
Thank you for coming! Thank you all!

· 嘉宾致辞:




瓦努阿图驻国大使、瓦努阿图共和国常驻联合国代表、太平洋岛屿20国发展中国家联盟主席Odo Tevi 博士致辞


著名山水画家、书法家,国家一级美术师,哥伦比亚大学教育学院中国教育研究中心艺术教育高级研究员余涵宇: 介绍自己的作品





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